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A lifelong learner dedicated to the value and importance of higher education both as a student and as a faculty member.  Completed a doctorate in policy, planning, and development at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California.  Extensive collegiate teaching experience at the University of Phoenix (online) and California State University, Fullerton.  Courses include organizational theory and behavior, human resources management, project planning and systems implementation, introductory software development, public administration & criminal justice, and professional ethics for software engineers.


California State University, Fullerton

(1993-94; 2014-Present)

Computer Science 548: Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues for Software Engineers (view syllabus[2014-Present]
Computer Science 321: High-Level Language Design (view syllabus) [1994]
Computer Science 315:
Professional Ethics in Computing (view syllabus) [2022]
Computer Science 121: Programming Concepts [Using Pascal] (view syllabus) [1993 and 1994]
Computer Science 120: Introduction to Programming Using C++ (view syllabus[2017-2018]
Computer Science 103:
Introduction to Personal Computing (view syllabus[1994]
Political Science 526/Aging 526:
Organizational Theory and Behavior (view syllabus[2022-Present]
Political Science 422/Criminal Justice 422: Human Resources Management (view syllabus[2021 & 2023]
Political Science 320/Criminal Justice 320:
Introduction to Public Administration (view syllabus[2017-2021]

University of Phoenix – Online


Computer Management 410:  Project Planning and Implementation (view syllabus) (view lecture series[2003-2005]


University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Doctor of Policy, Planning and Development 2020
Dissertation: A Framework for Good Local Governance:  Achieving Prosperity in an Increasingly Complex Environment

“Move Over Pensions—The Silent Killer of Local Jurisdiction Budgets is Retiree Medical Benefits” by Michael Falkow (view)

“Dealing with Crisis–the H1N1 Collaborative” by Michael Falkow (view)


United States Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey

Master of Arts, Security Studies (Emphasis in Homeland Security and Defense) 2013
Thesis:  Does Homeland Security Constitute an Emerging Academic Discipline?

Received Outstanding Thesis Award

California State University, Fullerton

Master of Science, Computer Science (Emphasis in Software Engineering) 1994
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (Minor in Mathematics) 1990