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Problem solving is for mental aptitude development just as resistance training is to the development of muscles.  Much like physical training develops our muscles and athletic capabilities, each time we struggle to solve a problem, we strengthen our capacity and develop “mental mass” that we can draw upon later in times of challenge.  Logical reasoning and multidimensional analysis alone, however, do not typically supply sufficient endurance when in-depth situational problem solving is involved.  You also need confidence, perseverance, creativity, and the ability to achieve consensus among a team.

Employment Events

Career Experience

Senior Manager, Process Automation, Mercury Insurance Group


Responsible for managing, directing, staffing, and controlling Mercury’s Process Automation division. Mercury Insurance Group is a $3 billion-plus automobile and property insurance company. Managed all business process automation, document imaging and information management, workflow, and forms-based processing. This included the design and implementation of a $6 million document management system encompassing Mercury’s 17,000 independent agents.

Manager, EDM Services, SouthTech Systems, Inc.


Responsible for SouthTech’s Electronic Document Management (EDM) Systems Implementation Division, whose primary focus was e-government software solutions and document imaging and information management. The City of Inglewood was a customer of SouthTech Systems.